Pakistan is on the verge of a crisis comparable to that in Lanka, according to Imran Khan.


imran khan

ISLAMABAD: Imran Khan, the chairman of the PTI and a former prime minister, issued a fresh warning on Saturday, saying that Pakistan was on the verge of a situation akin to that in Sri Lanka and that mobs will soon swarm the streets in protest of the robbery and pillage of the mafia.

Imran tweeted his opinions and fears, writing: "I can declare with certainty that the people of Pakistan had enough and would not let these mafias to continue their pillage and plunder following my engagement with our nation and their response to my cry for 'Haqeeqi Azadi'."

"The day when our populace rushes into the streets in Sri Lanka is not far away for us. The mafia of Zardari-Sharif has dragged Pakistan to its knees politically and economically in less than three months. I wonder how long state institutions would tolerate this in order to protect their unlawfully amassed fortune that they have gathered over 30 years of plundering Pakistan.

Former federal minister and PTI secretary general Asad Umar also posted on Twitter about the "person who, according to the court, was never elected as chief minister and who also lost the election before the entire nation yesterday." According to the court's ruling, the same person would continue to serve as caretaker chief minister for two days. The Glorification of Allah.
